Technicians are people who have a BS or MS degree and are looking for full-time jobs to gain more experience, new skills, and enjoy work-life balance. These positions are often 1-2 years and are transitional, often before someone does an MS degree with me or so that they can gain the training I offer to help them get a permanent job with a consulting firm.
Current Technicians
- Arielle Gervasi
Past Technicians
- Chelsea Hopkins- 2D hydrodynamic modeling and landform assessment in a regulated gravel/cobble river, 2016-2017
- Scott Burman- near-census Bayesian analysis of riparian vegetaiton in a regulated gravel/cobble river, 2013-2015
- James Jackson- Streamwood mapping in a watershed, 2012; flow convergence routing analysis, 2012; Near-census analysis of substrate in a cobble/gravel bed river, 2013
- Denise Tu- Near-census ecohydraulic analysis of Chinook salmon adult spawning habitat, 2011-2012
- Anne Senter- Near-census mountain river science, 2010-2011
- Andy Bookter- Near-census mountain river science, 2009-2010
- Scott Morford- Cobble/gravel bed river geomorphology, 2007-2008
- Davin Sanders- Cobble/gravel bed river mappsing, 2007
- Aaron Fulton- Cobble/gravel bed river geomorphology and ecohydraulics, 2006
- Michael Bezemek- Waterfalls research, 2005
- Richard Raymond- Oregon waterfalls research, 2004
- Laura Jensen- Oregon waterfalls research, 2004
- Anna Buckley- Uncertainty in hydraulic geometry, 2004