Week 3
Lecture 5: Delta Modeling
- Mass conservation
- Sediment transport laws
- Model parameterization
- Examples
Course reading: Chapter 2 (Fickian Diffusion) of Fischer, H.B., List, E.J., Koh, R.C.Y., Imberger, J., and Brooks, N.H. 1979. Mixing in inland and coastal waters: Academic Press, San Diego, 483pp.
Error Function information [pdf file]
Advanced reading suggestions:
- Diffusion-based delta modeling: Pasternack, G. B., Brush, G. S., and Hilgartner, W. B. 2001. Impact of historic land-use change on sediment delivery to a Chesapeake Bay subestuarine delta. Earth Surface processes and Landforms 26:409-427.
- "Integral methods" ODE delta modeling: Wang, F.C. 1984. The dynamics of a river-bay-delta system. Journal of Geopphysical Research 89:C5:8054-8060.
Related web links: 3D models of delta evolution
More 3D models of delta evolution
Nested process response models of fluvio-deltaic sedimentation
Lecture 6: Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Presenter #1 - TBA
- Presenter #2 - TBA
- Presenter #3 - TBA
- Presenter #4 - TBA
Course reading: none.
The papers to be presented today are
- Atwater, B.F. and Belknap, D.F. 1980. Tidal-wetland deposits of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California. In: Quaternary depositional environments of the Pacific coast. (Field, M.E., Bouma, A.H., Colburn, I.P., Douglas, R.G., and Ingle, J.C., eds.) Society of Economic Paleontologists and Minerologists, Los Angeles, p. 89-103.
- Brown, K.J. and Pasternack, G.B. in review. The geomorphic dynamics of an upper deltaic floodplain tract in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA.
- Jassby A.D., Cloern J.E. 2000. Organic matter sources and rehabilitation of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (California, USA). Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 10:5:323-352.
Related web links: TBA