Week 7
Lecture 12: Alluvial Rivers
Course Reading:
Related web links:
Lecture 13: Delta Modeling
- Delta theory
- Estimate of total U.S. human-derived sediment
- Studies of human-induced sediment yield
Course reading:
- Galloway, W.E. 1975. Process framework for describing the morphologic and stratigraphic evolution of deltaic depositional systems. In: Deltas: models for exploration (Broussard, M.L., ed.), Houston Geological Society, Houston, p. 87-98
- Pasternack, G. B., Brush, G. S., and Hilgartner, W. B. 2001. Impact of historic land-use change on sediment delivery to a Chesapeake Bay subestuarine delta. Earth Surface processes and Landforms 26:409-427.
Related web links:
- none.
Experiment 2: Fluvial Geomorphology
Saturday field trip through Cache Creek Basin.
- Meet in the parking lot behind Veihmeyer Hall at 8:00 am sharp.
- Be prepared for these potential hazards: poor footing, poison oak, sun burn, heat exhaustion.
- Review field safety information
- Suggested clothing:
- hiking or work boots
- long pants (preferably lightweight)
- hat
- sunglasses
- Items to bring:
- field notebook
- pen
- lunch
- water bottle (64 oz or more)
- sun screen