Week 6
Lecture 10: Bedrock Rivers
- Definition of bedrock river
- Morphological range of bedrock streams
- Typical features and associated processes in bedrock channels
- bedrock geology- differentially erodible sedimentary strata, bedrock fracture patterns
- longitudinal features- knickpoints
- channel bed features- longitudinal grooves, potholes, bedrock ripples, flutes, wedges
- Long term rates of bedrock channel incision
- cosmogenic radionuclide approach
- strath and fill terrace dating approach
- drill hole approach
- Bedrock river basin morphometry
- Bedrock Stream Power Law
- derivation
- parameter estimation
Course reading:
- Tinkler, K. and Wohl, E. 1998. A primer on bedrock channels. In (Tinkler, K. and Wohl, E., eds.) Rivers over rock. American Geophysical Union. Geophysical Monograph 107, p. 1-18.
Related web links:
Lecture 11: Waterfalls Mechanics
- Types of waterfalls
- Waterfall terminology
- Waterfalls systematics
- energy dissipation
- hydraulic jump regimes
- Waterfalls Dynamics
- flow patterns
- air content
- drag and lift
- Lab and field experimentation
Course reading:
- Pasternack, G. B., Ellis, C. R. and Marr, J. D. 2007. Jet and hydraulic jump near-bed stresses below a horseshoe waterfall, Water Resources Research 43, W07449, doi:10.1029/2006WR005774.
- Wyrick, J. R. and Pasternack, G. B. 2008. Modeling energy dissipation and hydraulic jump regime responses to channel nonuniformity at river steps. Journal of Geophysical Research 113, F03003, doi:10.1029/2007JF000873.
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