This Week's Movie Screening:
- The River
Required reading:
Movie Log Canvas Assignment for The River due at next Wednesday night class meeting at 5:10 pm
- No copying collaboration is allowed on this assignment, so be sure to submit your own answers in your own words.
Video Podcast: Water, Race, and Socio-economic Class in America
The 67-minute presentation related to the movie The River is provided to you as an online streaming video podcast that you have to watch on your own.
In the video podcast on Water, Race, and Socio-economic Class in America, I go into a discussion about a book called "The Rising Tide" when the time is 55 min 55 sec. I say that I asked you to read this for class. DISREGARD THAT statement. I used to have the class read excerpts from the book back when the course had a reader for purchase. Beginning in 2019 I ended the use of a paid reader and overhauled discussion sections into the format you experience now. As a result, you do not have to do this reading. Nevertheless, if you want to learn about racism during natural disasters, then I highly recommend "The Rising Tide". It is a powerful read. Most importantly, if you look at the differential response of the U.S. government to current natural disasters, you will see similar unequal financial and social treatment of people on the basis of race and socioeconomic class.
Click the play button below to begin watching. It is provided in 640 x 480 format and should be viewable on a computer, iOS device, or Android device. Look for the small play button in the bottom left of the video player window to start the streaming video.
If the streaming video player below does not work for you, then you can download the video to your computer and watch it thereafter by clicking on one of the links below. Given the size of these files and depending on the speed of your internet connection, it could take a long time to download, so one good option is to download them over night if you are using a slower connection. If you can watch it streaming, then you do not have to download a video file at all.
- 640 x 480 (480p) format that balances speed and quality. (617 MB file)
Video About Levees
Watch the video below to learn about levee failure mechanisms.
If the streaming video player below does not work for you, then you can download the video to your computer and watch it thereafter by clicking on one of the links below. If you can watch it streaming, then you do not have to download a video file at all.
- 640 x 480 (480p) format that balances speed and quality. (255 MB file)
Related Web Links:
- Mississippi River floods of 1927 and 1993 - this is an awesome web site. I really encourage you to check it out.
- Fargo: flooding on the Red River, ND.
- 1997 California floods.
- 1955 California floods.
- Sacramento area flood control agency.
- Yolo County flood control district.